working for the unemployed

One new school but plenty of new school shoes

Voorspoed Primary 1Voorspoed Primary School has a brand new school at last. 2015 was a year of disruption, hammering, drilling and more, but in the end an entirely new school was built beside the old prefab buildings.

Voorspoed Primary 2

Smiles all round….but then, children being children, they do smile for us so very often – shoes or no shoes. And that is their gift to all of us. Their Link of Love.

In the past, the children had to gather on the playground for morning assembly, but a beautiful school hall is now their pride and joy.

In addition to the wonderful news about Voorspoed, all the Link of Love schools of Hanover Park were most delighted to receive brand new school shoes as part of the HSM annual corporate donation.

Children from the poorest homes were selected to receive shoes.

Hanover park schools shoes

Several children from Athwood and Blomvlei Primary schools were also delighted to receive brand new school shoes.

Blomvlei Primary School 1
Blomvlei Primary School 2