working for the unemployed

Success Stories Atlantis

Atlantis building Atlantis

DreamWorker was delighted to be able to supply a team of workers for the Kanonkop Housing project. Community Liaison Officer, Allistair Lightburn was very happy with the service he received from the DreamTeam, as well as the input from the workers supplied. Allistair shared “While the work is only part time, it is nonetheless work for people who have been totally...

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The Dream Begins in Atlantis

Yes, DreamWorker is up and running in Atlantis! The office has been co-funded by the Douglas Murray Trust and Activa. Atlantis is historically an area that has high levels of unemployment and is in desperate need of economic growth. The interviews began in a temporary office, just one or two days a week, but now DreamWorker has a lovely permanent office. Our...

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